über mich.

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Dallas, Texas, United States
20 year old soph-junior at SAGU, and I love me some Jesus! I buried my old, broken self into the earth and now pursue and chase after His heart. I am RESTORED and have been pardoned with God's unfailing love. Now, all I want to do is exalt and praise and glorify and shout to the rooftops the awesomeness of God!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

You won't relent

God just keeps laying on the foundation, and all I can do is continue to bask in this overwhelming state He's pulling me into. I must continually remind myself to let God have full control over EVERYTHING in my life. That, as a human, can be difficult. We like to pick and choose what to let God take the reins on, and by default that causes us to be lukewarm and within that breeds trust issues. Yikesss.

Ahh, many tell me that the road will get heavy and hard; I am well aware of that! I've experienced trials since birth, so I know there will be many-a-road-block to test if I will stumble and falter. I am human, I will make mistakes. I am not perfect, GOD is. Lord knows I've messed wayyy too much for an 18 year old.
... But you know what's sooooo awesome?
His redeeming love.
God gives us each a suh-weet brand new day; a clean slate, if you will. We must be on the go to conquer and fulfill what each day has in store for us, as it will in turn fulfill our purpose. If we dwell too much in the past or future, we are just being lame and not progressing spiritually. SO CARPE DIEM, MAN.

Lamentations 3:21-25, brahh (my favorite verse ever... it gets me through each day, lemme tell ya).

21 This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
22 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.

I am so thankful for Your abundant blessings that are here and are forthcoming. You are so amazing and wonderful, and I know You're here with me allll the way. Father, thank You for giving us a clean slate each and every day! I hope I can do You honor by seizing every opportunity given daily so that I may advance in my relationship with you. Continue being the fire inside of me, flaming upon my heart with such fierce love and grace and mercy; it's more than I should ever, ever deserve. I am incredibly grateful for the change in my life, and I do not want You to relent Your Holy Spirit stirring within me. I love you forevermore, Father!!!

Your daughter

Note: All passages are thanks to Bible Gateway! The image is something I made for this post! :)

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